Wednesday, 27 May 2020

simple Design feature Block in Nx Siemens for CAD modeling based on size

simple Design feature Block in Nx Siemens for CAD modeling based on size of block 

Following path for the command:
menu - Insert - Design feature - Block 

Origin and Edge Length two points and height two diagonal points

Create a block using a point and edge lengths:
  1. Choose Home tab→Feature group→Block .
  2. In the Type group, select Origin and Edge Lengths from the Type list.
  3. Select an object to infer an origin point, or specify a point using the Specify Point options in the Origin group. Snap Point options are available.
  4. Type the block's measurement values in the Dimensions group. All values must be positive.
  5. (Optional) If the block intersects another solid, you can choose a Boolean option from the Boolean list. Select Body  becomes available to let you specify a target for the Boolean operation.
  6. Click OK or Apply to create the block.The block is created from the origin point, with edges parallel to the axes of the WCS.

Create a block using two points and a height:
  1. Choose Home tab→Feature group→Block .
  2. In the Type group, select Two Points and Height from the Type list.
  3. Select an object to infer an origin point, or specify a point using the Specify Point options in the Origin group. Snap Point options are available.
  4. In the Point XC, YC from Origin group, click Specify Point and select or create the second point.
  5. In the Dimension group, type a value in the Height (ZC) box for the block height. The value defines the height in the direction of the +ZC axis, and must be positive.
  6. (Optional) If the block intersects another solid, you can choose a Boolean option from the Boolean list.
  7. Select Body  becomes available to let you specify a target for the Boolean operation.
  8. Click OK or Apply to create the block.
  9. The block is created between the points, with edges parallel to the axes of the WCS.
Create a block using two diagonal points:
  1. Choose Home tab→Feature group→Block .
  2. In the Type group, select Two Diagonal Points from the Type list.
  3. Select an object to infer an origin point, or specify a point using the Specify Point options in the Origin group. Snap Point options are available.
  4. In the Point XC, YC, ZC from Origin group, click Specify Point and select or create a second point that is opposite and diagonal from the first point.
  5. The figure above shows the second point specified at XC = 100, YC = 100, and ZC = 100. You could also select or infer a point using any of the standard point methods.
  6. (Optional) If the block intersects another solid, you can choose a Boolean option from the Boolean list.
  7. Select Body  becomes available to let you specify a target for the Boolean operation.
  8. Click OK or Apply to create the block.
  9. The block is created between the points, with edges parallel to the axes of the WCS.

Use this command to create basic block solid bodies. Blocks are associative to their positioning objects.

You can use one of three methods (types) to create a block.

How block command is used in Siemens Nx?

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