Sunday, 10 May 2020

Siemens Nx: X form command

X Form command in Nx Siemens | command to edit surfaces spline curves dynamically manipulating pole. 

Use the X-Form command to edit surfaces or spline curves by dynamically manipulating the pole locations. 

You can do the following: Select any type of face (B-surface or non-B-surface). Select individual or multiple poles using standard NX selection methods such as selecting inside a rectangle. Select rows of poles by selecting the polyline that connects pole handles. 

The X-Form command also includes advanced options to edit a B-surface. You can do the following: Increase or decrease the number of poles and patches. Insert knot points. Proportionally move adjacent poles. Maintain continuity at surface edges when editing a surface. Lock regions of a surface to remain constant when editing the surface. 

Identify faces with symmetry and offset conditions. The modifications you make to the selected face will automatically be applied to the faces that meet these conditions. The X-Form command creates an X-Form feature in the Part Navigator when the Associative Freeform Editing is enabled in Modeling Preferences.

 How X form command works in Nx Siemens which is mentioned below video?

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