Saturday, 16 May 2020

Move curve for sketching in Nx Siemens | How to move or rotate a set of sketch curves in Unigraphic

Move curve for sketching in Nx Siemens | How to move or rotate a set of sketch curves in Unigraphic.


Use the Move Curve command to move or rotate a set of sketch curves. 

If required, NX adjusts adjacent curves and constraints to make the change. Translate or rotate single or multiple curves. 
Use Curve Finder to find other curves in the sketch that meet specific geometric conditions relative to the curves that you selected to move. 

For example, if two curves are collinear, it is likely that you want to move them together. Select a coordinate system or a curve as the symmetry axis. Symmetry is retained for symmetric curves when the selected curves are moved. Move the handles to reposition the rotation center. In this example, the Move Curve command is used to symmetrically add draft angle to a rectangle. The rectangle is initially constrained with perpendicular constraints in the corners. NX deletes these constraints to allow the change.

How Move curve works in Nx Siemens?  as mentioned below video:

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