Monday, 1 June 2020

Siemens nx motion | export to movie | Generate movie | export video from simulation | analysis

Siemens nx motion Generate movie | export video from simulation | analysis simple step to generate movie or video from motion simulation: after solve the simulation, go to results, 

Generate movie for motion in nx siemens

choose export to movie the movie is useful for presentation and share for other without need of nx siemens software.

Animation Control:

Slider Mode: 
Lets you advance to a particular time increment or step in the animation.

Time (seconds) :Moves the animation in seconds.

Steps:Moves the animation in steps. The number of steps is defined in the solution.

Animation control options:

Let you play (forward and backward), pause, and stop the animation. You can also move to the beginning or end of the animation or move backward or forward one step/second.

Design Position:  

Moves the mechanism to the original position in which it was designed, prior to any simulations. All driving joint displacements are set to zero and the display indicates the design position of the link geometry.
Assembly Position:  

Moves the mechanism to an assembled position, which may be different than the design position. For example, if the mechanism's snapped link joints were originally modeled apart (design position), they can now be "snapped" into the assembly position.

How export video or export to movie  works in Siemens Nx in motion?

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