Types of operations in manufacturing application of Nx Siemens | Unigraphics
PLM software
An operation:
- Generates one tool path.
- Contains the information required to generate the tool path: geometry, tool, and machining parameters.
For each operation that you generate and accept, the software saves the information used to generate the tool path in the current part. This information includes the postprocessor command set, display data, and the coordinate system of definition.
You could specify all the required information within each operation. However, it is more efficient to specify parameters once and store the information where it can be used by multiple operations. Store only the most specific parameters, such as engage, retract, and stepover, in the operation.
Operation Subtypes:
1) Drilling operation subtypes
2) Hole Making operation subtypes
3) Turning operation subtypes
4) Wire EDM operation subtypes
5) Milling operation subtypes
1) Drilling operation subtypes :
These operation subtypes use the drill point-to-point processor for removing material when manufacturing holes.
SPOT_FACING : This operation subtype allows the tool to pause at the depth of cut by a specified number of seconds or revolutions.
SPOT_DRILLING: This operation subtype allows the tool to pause at the tool tip or shoulder depth of the tool by a specified number of seconds or revolutions.
DRILLING: This operation subtype allows you to do basic point-to-point drilling.
PECK_DRILLING: This operation subtype allows you to create a series of drilling motions into and out of a hole at progressive intermediate increments. The tool retracts out of the hole after each peck to clear the chips.
BREAKCHIP_DRILLING: This operation subtype allows the drilling tool to retract slightly after feeding to an incremental depth to break the chip.
BORING: This operation subtype allows the boring tool to feed continuously in and out of the part.
REAMING: This operation subtype allows the reamer to feed continuously in and out of the part.
COUNTERBORING: This operation subtype allows the tool to pause at the depth of cut by a specified number of seconds or revolutions. Use this operation subtype when you need a dwell in your counterboring cycle.
COUNTERSINKING: This operation subtype allows the tool to pause at the depth of cut by a specified number of seconds or revolutions. Use this operation subtype when you need a dwell in your countersinking cycle.
TAPPING: This operation subtype creates a tap cycle that feeds into the hole, reverses the spindle, and feeds out of the hole.
THREAD_MILLING :This operation subtype mills threaded holes with helical cuts.
MILL_CONTROL: This operation subtype allows you apply machine control events such as coolant on/coolant off or spindle clockwise/counterclockwise.
MILL_USER: This operation subtype allows you generate your tool path using your custom NX Open program.
2) Hole Making operation subtypes :
HOLE_MAKING: Hole Making is the main Hole Making operation subtype.
MANUAL_HOLE_MAKING: Manual Hole Making is a Holemaking operation subtype that is customized to allow drilling operations that do not use feature based geometry. For example, you can select a starter hole to machine a closed pocket.
3) Turning operation subtypes:
ENTERLINE_SPOTDRILL Centerline Drilling: Drill cycle with dwell.
CENTERLINE_DRILLING Centerline Drilling :Drill cycle with dwell.
CENTERLINE_PECKDRILL Centerline Drilling :Drill cycle that fully retracts after each peck.
CENTERLINE_BREAKCHIP Centerline Drilling :Drill cycle with short retracts or dwells after each peck.
CENTERLINE_REAMING Centerline Drilling :Boring cycle that feeds in and feeds out.
CENTERLINE_TAPPING Centerline Drilling :Tap cycle that feeds in, reverses the spindle, and feeds out.
FACING Roughing :Roughing cuts used for facing the part toward the spindle center line.
ROUGH_TURN_OD Roughing: Roughing cuts used for turning the outside (OD) of the part parallel to the spindle center line.
ROUGH_BACK_TURN Roughing :The same as ROUGH_TURN_OD, except the moves are away from the spindle face.
ROUGH_BORE_ID Roughing :Roughing cuts used for boring the inside (ID) of the part parallel to the spindle center line.
ROUGH_BACK_BORE Roughing :The same as ROUGH_BORE_ID, except the moves are away from the spindle face.
FINISH_TURN_OD Finishing :Automatically generates finish cuts for the outside (OD) of the part using various cut strategies.
FINISH_BORE_ID Finishing :Automatically generates finish cuts for the inside (ID) of the part using various cut strategies.
FINISH_BACK_BORE Finishing :The same as FINISH_BORE_ID, except the moves are away from the spindle face.
TEACH_MODE Teach mode :Generates finish cuts that are closely controlled by the user. Excellent for fine finishing.
GROOVE_OD Roughing :Rouging cuts used for machining grooves on the outside (OD) of the part. Many cut patterns for turning and plunging are available.
GROOVE_ID Roughing1: Rouging cuts used for machining grooves on the inside (ID) of the part. Many cut patterns for turning and plunging are available.
GROOVE_FACE Roughing :Rouging cuts used for machining grooves on a face of the part. Many cut patterns for turning and plunging are available.
THREAD_OD Threading :Cuts threads on the outside (OD) of the part.
THREAD_ID Threading :Cuts threads on the inside (ID) of the part.
PARTOFF Teach mode :This is a Teach Mode Operation that is preset to show a sample barstock PARTOFF operation. You can easily change this.
LATHE_CONTROL Machine control :This contains only machine control events.
LATHE_USER User defined :This tool path is generated by a your custom NX Open program.
4) Wire EDM operation subtypes:
NOCORE Wire EDM :This removes all the material inside a closed shape with a series of offset paths, leaving no slug.
INTERNAL_TRIM Wire EDM :This cuts the walls on the inside of a closed pocket.
EXTERNAL_TRIM Wire EDM:This cuts the walls on the outside of a closed shape.
OPEN_PROFILE Wire EDM: This cuts the walls of an open shape. The wire does not cut all the way back to the start of the shape.
WEDM_CONTROL Machine control: This contains only machine control events.
WEDM_USER User defined: This tool path is generated by your custom NX Open program.
5) Milling operation subtypes:
Volume Based 2.5D Milling Floor WallFloor Wall IPW :Operation subtypes that use the Volume Based 2.5D Milling processor cut planar faces on solid bodies to efficiently machine prismatic parts and features.
Groove Milling: Operation subtypes that use the Groove Milling processor cut planar faces on solid bodies to efficiently machine linear grooves and slots using T-Cutters.
Face Milling: Face Milling with Boundaries Face Milling Manual
Operation subtypes that use the Face Milling processor cut planar faces on solid bodies. For example, pads on a casting.
Planar Milling: Planar Mill Cleanup Corners Finish Walls Finish Floor
Operation subtypes that use the Planar Milling processor follow 2D boundaries to remove material along vertical walls, or walls that are parallel to the tool axis. Planar Milling removes material in planar levels that are perpendicular to a fixed tool axis. The areas on the part to be machined can include planar islands and planar floors that are normal to the tool axis.
Planar Milling — 2D Profile: Planar Profile
The Planar Milling 2D Profile processor cuts a single profiling pass along a part boundary.
Planar Milling — 3D Profile: Solid Profile 3D Profile 3D
Operation subtypes that use the Planar Milling 3D Profile processor cut one or more profiling passes along 3D part geometry. The depth is determined by the edges or curves in the boundary. These operation subtypes are often used for trim dies.
Planar Text:
The Planar Text processor engraves drafting text directly on a planar surface. Drafting text can include part numbers and mold cavity ID numbers.
Cavity Milling: Cavity Mill Corner Rough Rest MillingAdaptive Rough Milling
Operation subtypes that use the Cavity Milling processor remove large volumes of material. Cavity Milling removes material in planar levels that are perpendicular to a fixed tool axis. Part Geometry can be planar or contoured. Cavity Milling is ideal for rough-cutting parts, such as dies, castings, and forgings.
Plunge Milling:
The PLUNGE_MILLING processor cuts vertically to take advantage of the increased rigidity when a tool moves along the Z-axis. Plunge Milling efficiently roughs out large volumes of blank, and lets you finish hard-to-reach deep walls with long slender tool assemblies.
Z-Level Milling: Zlevel Profile Zlevel Corner
Operation subtypes that use the Z-Level Milling processor contour a part or cut area. Z-Level Milling removes material in planar levels that are perpendicular to a fixed tool axis. Part geometry can be planar or contoured.
Variable-axis Z-Level Milling :Zlevel 5axis
The Variable-axis Z-Level Milling processor lets you tilt the tool axis away from part geometry when contouring a part or cut area with a multi-axis machine.
Sequential Mill:
The Sequential Mill Main processor finishes surfaces that have been roughed out using Planar Milling or Cavity Milling. Sequential Mill allows you to carefully follow surface contours using three-axis, four-axis, or five-axis tool movements while exercising a high degree of control over each sub-operation of the tool path.
Fixed-axis Surface Contouring:
Fixed Contour Contour Area Contour Surface Area Streamline Contour Steep Areas Contour Non-Steep Areas Flowcut Single Flowcut Multiple Flowcut Reference Tool Contour Text
Operation subtypes that use the Fixed-axis Surface Contouring processor contour a part or cut area. Fixed axis Surface Contouring removes material along the part contours.
Variable-axis Surface Contouring:
Variable Contour Variable Streamline Contour Profile Fixed Contour Multi Blade Rough Hub Finish Blade Finish Blend Finish Rotary Floor
Operation subtypes that use the Variable-axis Surface Contouring processor contour a part or cut area. Variable-axis Surface Contouring removes material along the part contours.
Tube Machining:Tube FinishTube Rough
Operation subtypes that use the Tube Machining processor rough and finish machine complex inner surfaces such as those commonly found in combustion engine intake manifolds and cylinder heads.
Generic Motion
Operation subtypes that use the Generic Motion processor position tools for different applications. Generic Motion supports machines with up to five axes of freedom.
Probing: Probing Mill Tool Probing
Operation subtypes that use the Probing processor position probing tools and support probing cycles. Probing supports machines with up to five axes of freedom.
Mill User-Defined:
Operation subtypes that use the Mill User-Defined processor generate tool paths from a custom NX Open program.
Mill Machine Control:
The Mill Control operation contains only machine control events.
where to find type of manufacturing operation in Nx Siemens?